Series - The Stormlight Archive

You may consider some of what I say in these reviews "spoilers." I do not intend to give anything major away. Still, reader beware.

Books in the series

  • The Way of Kings
    • Length: 45 hours, 30 minutes
    • Author: Brandon Sanderson
    • Narrators: Kate Reading & Michael Kramer
    • Audible Release Date: 2010-08-31
    • Language: English
    • Publisher: Macmillan Audio
  • Words of Radiance
    • Length: 48 hours, 13 minutes
    • Author: Brandon Sanderson
    • Narrators: Kate Reading & Michael Kramer
    • Audible Release Date: 2014-03-04
    • Languages: English
    • Publisher: Macmillan Audio
  • Oathbringer
    • Length: 55 hours, 5 minutes
    • Author: Brandon Sanderson
    • Narrators: Kate Reading & Michael Kramer
    • Audible Release Date: 2017-11-14
    • Launguage: English
    • Publisher: Macmillan Audio
  • The Rhythm of War
    • Length: 57 hours, 26 minutes
    • Author: Brandon Sanderson
    • Narrators: Kate Reading & Michael Kramer
    • Audible Release Date: 2020-11-17
    • Language: English
    • Publisher: Macmillan Audio
  • Sanderson did write some other stories related to this series. I have not read or listened to them


5/5 stars - Click to read my Stormlight Archive review

The Way of Kings hooked me on this series. I really liked the main character, Kaladin. I thought Sanderson did a great job introducing the world of Roshar and the people in it. By the time this story ended, I felt very much "connected" to several of the characters in the story--especially Kaladin.

Words of Radiance mostly figured out what is a Radiant and how should they organize themselves. That is not to say that nothing else happened in this novel--lots happened. I just don't want to give any story details away. Honestly, I thought the story ended in such a way that I could stop reading (listening to) the series at this point. Obviously, I didn't. I did wait about a year before I read the next story. I felt I had enough closure on the story. And, I feared what Sanderson might do with some characters I liked.

It took me some time to get into Oathbringer. In fact, I might go so far as to say some of the beginning and some of the middle "dragged" for me. The ending, however, rocked! Don't get me wrong, Sanderson spins a good story here. I just had trouble getting through some of the details of it. Of course, I found out later I needed much of that detail for the story to make more sense--so, there is that. 😄 This story focuses a lot of time building out the character of Dalinar Kholin by way of flashbacks and introspection. Some of the other characters receive some love ❤️ too. But, this story really does revolve around Dalinar.

As for Rhythm of War, I will update this review when I finish listening to it.