Series - Expeditionary Force

My Expeditionary Force Series Review

You may find spoilers in my review--reader beware.
5/5 stars - Click to read my series reviewI didn't know I would like talking bear cans--I do now!
I really enjoyed RC Bray's narration. He does a great job of making it easy to pick out who's talking/thinking. Book one starts us off with an alien invasion. It also gives us an introduction to some of the main characters that will stay with the story until its conclusion (in book 15 18 - in the after the story banter of Convergence book 2, Craig tells us he's decided to write three more Expeditionary Force books, and that he'll publish one book in the series in December for the next three years starting in 2023). Book two, as the name implies, leads us into some special operations forces encounters. In book three, our "merry band of pirates" returns to Paradise. In books four to thirteen, Joe Bishop and crew manage to have both successes and failures in various romps around the galaxy trying to upgrade their capabilities, seek out allies, and save the Earth (and others) from total annihilation. Throughout the series, the author continues to develop the characters, the relationships, the technology, and the story. Some of the losses really hurt. Book fifteen finishes the series story arc with Joe and his team triumphant (with a little help from his favorite black-ops Jeraptha).
Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed this series. If you like your science fiction with some humor and banter mixed in, I think you'll like it too.

Book 1: Columbus Day

Book 4: Black Ops

Book 7: Renegades

Book 10: Critical Mass

Book 13: Fallout

Book 2: - SpecOps

Book 5: Zero Hour

Book 8: Armageddon

Book 11: Brushfire

Book 14: Match Game

Book 3: Paradise

Book 6: Mavericks

Book 9: Valkyrie

Book 12: Breakaway

Book 15: Failure Mode