Tkinter Class Demo

A very simple example of using Tkinter with classes

The root window

 1class WindowOne(tk.Tk):
 2    """
 3    This is the root window of a tkinter demo done with classes and using the place()
 4    method to put widgets in precise x/y coordinates.
 5    Args:
 6        (tk.Tk): Inheriting from tk.Tk so this can become the "root" window (the app)
 7    """
 8    def __init__(self):
 9        super().__init__()
10        self.title('Window One')
11        self.geometry('640x480')        
12        # Things outside of this class do not need access to these variables
13        self._is_down_clk: bool  = False
14        self._DOWN_BTN_PATH: str = 'down_button.png'
15        self._DOWN_BTN_TXT: str  = 'Download'
16        self._UP_BTN_TXT: str    = 'Upload'
17        self._UP_BTN_PATH: str   = 'up_button.png'
18        self._down_btn_png: tk.PhotoImage = tk.PhotoImage(file=self._DOWN_BTN_PATH)
19        self._up_btn_png: tk.PhotoImage   = tk.PhotoImage(file=self._UP_BTN_PATH)
20        self._hello_label: tk.Label = tk.Label(
21            self,
22            text="Hello, Tkinter",
23            foreground="white",  # Set the text color to white
24            background="black"  # Set the background color to black
25        )        
26        self._btn_img: tk.Button = tk.Button(self,
27            text=self._DOWN_BTN_TXT,
28            image=self._down_btn_png,
29            command=lambda: self.img_btn_on_click())
30, y=5)
31        self.update()
32, y=5)
33        self._btn_new_window: tk.Button = tk.Button(
34            self,
35            text='open window',
36            command=lambda: self.btn_new_window_on_click())
37        self.update()
38, y=self._btn_img.winfo_height()+10)
40    def btn_new_window_on_click(self) -> None:
41        """
42        Create the second window and set focus to it
43        """
44        new_window: WindowTwo = WindowTwo(self)
45        new_window.grab_set() # force this window to the foreground
47    def img_btn_on_click(self) -> None:
48        """
49        Respond to the img_btn "OnClick" event and demonstrate changing
50        an image within the button at runtime
51        """
52        if self._is_down_clk:
53            self._is_down_clk = False
54            self._btn_img.config(text = self._UP_BTN_TXT, image = self._up_btn_png)
55        else:
56            self._is_down_clk = True
57            self._btn_img.config(text = self._DOWN_BTN_TXT, image = self._down_btn_png)

Class WindowTwo

 1class WindowTwo(tk.Toplevel):
 2    """
 3    This creates our second window for some data entry
 5    Args:
 6        (tk.Toplevel): We inherit from the tk.Toplevel class
 7    """
 8    def __init__(self, parent: tk.Tk):
 9        super().__init__(parent)
10        self.title('Second Window')
11        self.geometry('320x240')
12        # Things outside of this class do not need access to these variables
13        self._data_entry: tk.Entry = tk.Entry(self, width=50, bg='blue', fg='yellow')
14, y=0)
15        self._btn_get_data: tk.Button = tk.Button(self, text='Get Data', command=lambda: self.get_data())
16        self._btn_close: tk.Button = tk.Button(self, text='Close', command=lambda: self.destroy())
17        self.update() # we need to inform TK to draw what it has so we can get the control measurements
18, y=self._data_entry.winfo_height()+5)
19        self.update() # we need to inform TK to draw what it has so we can get the control measurements
20, y=self._btn_get_data.winfo_y())
22    def get_data(self) -> None:
23        """
24        Get the data from the data_entry widget
25        """
26        print(self._data_entry.get())

Execute the Code

1window_one = WindowOne()